Monday, November 15, 2010

A Weekend in Pittsburgh.

If my GPS did anything helpful this weekend (which mostly it didn't) it was that it got us from Rockville to Pittsburgh on Friday morning. We arrived in Pittsburgh around lunch time and began our adventures dining at the original Primanti Brothers. I still haven't figured out the right way to pronounce the name, but I do know that my sandwich was so delicious and every last bite was eaten. Cole, being from Pittsburgh, continued to be the best tour guide and showed me all the treasures that the Steel City has to offer. I've been to Pittsburgh every year of my life and I've never experienced it in the way I did with him as my guide. We then wandered the streets of the Strip District and laughed at the craziness of Pittsburgers. They are truly a breed of their own. We dined and laughed and rode the incline to see an awesome view of the city at night. Other than occasionally getting lost (which I will shamelessly blame on the GPS), I have a new appreciation, and maybe even love for the city of Pittsburgh. Oh yeah, and we shot an AWESOME wedding while we were there so stay tuned for more!
annnnnnd a little glimpse of us in action at the wedding.