Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009. Hello 2010.

Holy Moly it's 2010. I'll admit, I haven't made a single resolution. Not because I think improvement is a bad thing, in fact it's a very good thing, but I do think that labeling all the not-so-great things you want to change in your life is a good way to miss all the things that are already so great. So here I give you a short list of my favorite parts about 2009 and life in general. Happy New Year friends!
  • I lived in Dublin, Ireland for four months and made amazing new friends.
  • The moment I got off the train in Cinque Terra, Italy and the water was so beautiful it looked like DIAMONDS.
  • Reuniting with Natalie in the Dublin airport. I cried.
  • Approaching Morocco by ferry from Spain and then riding a camel while there.
  • Traveling the world with Becca in general.
  • Realizing I wanted to make photography my career. 
  • Getting a mac.
  • My surprise 21st birthday party with my best friends in the world.
  • Standing next to my sister on July 4th when she married her best friend and my new brother.
  • Going to New York City with three beautiful girls. (The drive from NC was maybe not my favorite).
  • Murder Mystery party at O'Kelly. I was the murderer. 
  • Roommate Retreat in the mountains.
  • Making new friends in new classes.
  • Seeing the World's Largest Set of Dresser Drawers (and the World's Largest Sitting Chair).
  • Reuniting with so many old high school friends.
  • Spending a weekend relaxing/laughing/eating with Katie at her lake house. (Judge Whitacker).
  • Cliff jumping in Raleigh.
  • Pretty much any social event held at O'Kelly.
  • When Claire got engaged and we all screamed and cried and embraced. (And maybe I said a cuss word out of shock).
  • Getting asked to be Claire's bridesmaid.
  • Dancing. So much. In my living room. With my roommates. Sometimes on video.
  • Taking my beautiful high school friends to Windy Gap this summer.
  • Getting asked to shoot my very first wedding.
  • Intramural soccer games. Always hilarious.
  • Dancing my little heart out with my great friend David Wells and other friends New Year's Eve.
I can't wait for the adventures to come in 2010! 

Here's a little taste of last night's festivities.