Friday, December 25, 2009


I love Christmas. Mostly because I love Christ. Jesus that is. But I also love all the traditions and joyful festivities that come along with it. Some of my favorite traditions include sitting at the top of the stairs with my mom and sister before venturing down to see the gifts under the tree, Christmas Eve with my extended family, the Happy Birthday Jesus cake we eat for breakfast, the orange at the bottom of our stockings, and that I get to open the first present of the day. Youngest to oldest. I may be 21 but I'm still the baby.

This year was extra special because my sister is married and so Sam was along for the Harmon family Christmas morning. It was fun to have a new person to introduce to all of our morning shennanigans.

I hope your Christmas was filled with joy and millions and of traditions. And maybe a Snuggie too!