Friday, January 15, 2010

Beautiful Mornings.

Every morning I do pretty much the same thing. I'm a creature of habit. My alarm goes off. I snooze for 10 minutes. Then I turn on my light and read my Jesus Calling devotional with my eyes barely open. Although I couldn't tell you the entirety of what I just read even 30 seconds after, there is usually a word or sentence that sticks with me and prepares my heart for the day. Then I get up and my morning routine of getting ready begins. This usually includes some sort of Quaker Oats product and coffee. Heavy on the cream and sugar. I straighten my hair, apply some make-up, get dressed, and brush my teeth. All of this takes about 30 minutes. Once I leave my house I'm usually greeted with a car covered in frost.

My morning routine was pleasantly interrupted one morning this week when a little after I finished my oatmeal, I noticed a pink glow coming through my window. When I looked outside I saw this:

Holy toledo. Thank you Jesus for being the best artist of all.