Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jeremy and Jamie Shull. Married.

(Disclaimer: There are A LOT of pictures in this post. I don't think you'll be mad considering this is one of the most beautiful couples I've ever laid my eyes on.)

OKAY. It's true, I shot my very first wedding this weekend. The first words to came out of my mouth when Jamie asked me to be her photographer were "ARE YOU SURE?" followed by "OH MY GOODNESS!" What she didn't realize was that just a few days prior, I had made the decision to pursue my dream of becoming a wedding photographer. I didn't know how to start, but I knew it's what I wanted to do. That following weekend is when Jamie asked me. The fact that this couple trusted ME to shoot their WEDDING day was the most encouraging thing at the perfect time. 

The wedding extravaganza began on Wednesday when Jamie and her two bridesmaids arrived at my house for the night on their way to Georgia. There was a peace about Jamie and it was obvious in the way she talked about Jeremy that he was absolutely the only man for her to spend her life with. 

Thursday I was welcomed into Helen, GA by Jamie, Jeremy, and friends as we sat and laughed at a table in a small restaurant that reminded me of Ireland. I watched as Jeremy stared at Jamie from across the table. He had a smile that would have been impossible to remove. He was going to marry this beautiful woman.

Friday consisted of finishing small details, meeting family members, and preparing for one of the most beautiful rehearsal dinners I ever been a part of. Friends not only toasted to Jeremy and Jamie's marriage but spoke of their hearts and it was obvious in that moment that these two were hand-picked by God to be married to one another.

The wedding was equally as powerful as Jamie and Jeremy promised before God and 52 family and friends to love each other unconditionally and sacrificially for the rest of their lives. The intimacy of this weekend was a picture of the start of a beautiful community that Jamie and Jeremy are capable of making with their relationship. Jamie and Jeremy, thank you for letting me document this day, I was truly blessed by every part of it.
The most beautiful bride.


The first look was such a precious moment to witness. I love Jeremy's face seeing Jamie for the first time.
GREAT wedding party.
These remind me of Taylor Swift's Love Story music video.
Some favorites from the reception.